Powers and Duties of the Mayor

Section C-13 Power Conduct and Duties of the Mayor.

(A) The Mayor, in by virtue of his office, shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Commissioners and shall represent the Town at community functions and shall relay the message, intent and mission of the Board of Commissioners to the general community and other agencies.  The Mayor shall support and uphold the letter and intent of the laws and policies of the Town of Rising Sun as well as other state and federal laws.  The Mayor shall execute the office of Mayor for the common good of the community while refraining from actions or conduct that may harm other communities or the Town of Rising Sun.  The Mayor shall be the face of the Town Government and shall exhibit good stewardship and carry forward the positive virtues of the Town of Rising Sun and represent the Town in a positive, professional and courteous manner at all times.  The Mayor shall facilitate the efforts of the Board of Commissioners and their work within their respective departments.  The Mayor may call on any officer of the town entrusted with the receipt and expenditure of public money, for a statement of his accounts as often as he shall see proper; he shall see that the ordinances are faithfully executed, and report to the Board of Commissioners, at their stated meetings, the general state of the town, and may call special meetings of the Commissioners whenever he may see proper.  The Mayor shall facilitate the coordination and development of meeting agendas and programs at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners, and may bring forward for discussion and action any issues of concern facing the Town and introduce policy recommendations for consideration and program initiatives for the good of the Town.  The Mayor may take part in all discussions, but he shall have no vote, except in the event of a tie, then the Mayor may cast a tie–breaking vote, accept for motions directly involving the Mayor.  The Council shall appoint, from its members, a person to serve as Acting–Mayor who shall serve in the absence of the Mayor.

(B) Appointment of the Vice Mayor.  At the first meeting in July of 2014, the Board of Commissioners shall nominate and elected among their members a person to serve as Vice Mayor.  This person shall be appointed on a yearly basis and at the first meeting in November of each year starting in 2015.  The Vice Mayor shall assist the Mayor of the Commission in the performance of his duties and shall preside over the Town meetings in his absence or when a motion involving the Mayor is being discussed.  The Vice Mayor shall serve at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners and may be removed as Vice Mayor of the Commission and returned to the status of Commissioner, upon a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners.  The Vice Mayor shall have all the same legislative and voting powers as the other commissioners even when serving in the temporary absence of the Mayor.