Grants & Awards

$1,989,900 AWARDED TO DATE
The Town has been very aggressive over the past 2 years in searching for grants, writing proposals and securing additional funding to help the Town achieve the goals and expectations of providing Quality, Effective & Efficient Services to the Residents of Rising Sun.  Below is a listing of the grants and awards that the Town has received in the last year to help move these goals forward.
$181,623 GRANT:  The Town of Rising Sun received a $181,623 grant from the Maryland State Highway Administration, under the State's Sidewalk Retrofit Program.  These funds were used to replace defective and dangerous sidewalks on both sides of Queen Street, between Cherry Street and Dairy Street.  The Town would like to thank Delegate David Rudolph who was very instrumental in helping us secure this grant.  The project was completed in late 2009
$155,600 GRANT:  The Town of Rising Sun was awarded a $155, 600 grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources under the Community Parks and Playgrounds Program.  This grant will be used to make significant upgrades to the Community Park located at Kirk Street and Wilson Avenue.  In addition to the upgrades the park will be renamed the "Rising Sun Veterans Memorial Park" in honor of our veterans of war.  This program is awaiting final funding approval from the Board of Public Works.
$142,000 GRANT: The Town of Rising Sun was awarded a $142,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources under the Community Parks and Playgrounds Program.  This grant will be used to develop Triangle Park, situated at the corner of Mount Street and North Walnut Street.  The concept plan for the park includes a "Dog Park" for caring responsible pet owner to exercise their dogs and socialize with other pet owner.  The program will also include upgrades the current horseshoe pit located along the streams edge, and the development of a family oriented picnic area.  The entire site will be encompassed with a tree lined walking trail, to include gazebos/rest areas and a toddlers play ground area.  In addition to the upgrades, the park will be renamed "Daydream Park".  This project is currently under construction as of 11/14/13
$675, 940 GRANTTown of Rising Sun received $675,940 from President Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009  (Economic Stimulus Program) These funds were used  to replace all the water meters in town with high tech meters that require less manpower to manage, while providing more accurate readings of water usage in the Town.  The project took 2 years to complete and finished in early 2012.
$800,000:  The Town Of Rising Sun received an $800,000 grant from the Maryland Department of the Environment that was used towards the construction of the Town's new waste water treatment plant.
$10,000 :  The Town received a $10,000 grant through the Maryland Energy Department that was used for the replacement of the 3rd floor heating and air conditioning unit in early 2012.
$24, 737 ON BOARD VEHICLE COMPUTER TERMINALS - Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention.