Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Mission:

The mission of the Rising Sun Parks and Recreation Department is to efficiently maintain and operate park facilities, to provide recreational programs for the enjoyment of all our residents, and seek partnerships to maximize recreational opportunities for our community.

Under the leadership of our previous parks and recreation Commissioner and now Mayor, Travis Marion, the town started becoming more active with events and activities for our residents as well as moved forward and completed long standing projects at Veteran's Community Park and Triangle Dog Park.

Commissioner Dave Warnick is continuing the additional phases of the projects which include the trail system at both parks.  

At Triangle Dog Park and Trails, three Eagle Scout projects will construct a board walk, bridge, and environmental learning center to be completed by the Fall of 2015.  A future phase of that project will complete a trail loop in the park from the board walk back to the parking lot.

Meanwhile, at the town's flagship park, Veteran's Community Park, the beginning of a comprehensive trail system is beginning to take shape.  Trail planning and construction is underway with significant progress to be expected by the Summer of 2015.

For more information on the daily activities of our Parks & Recreation Commissioner check out his Facebook page here:

Parks & Recreation Commissioner Facebook page